Monday, October 27, 2008

To : Miss Ch'ng

i will be missing ur class....
tq for every things that u taught me....
please pray for the best for me in final exam...
i will try my best!!!!
luv u....
Mark-up is difference in retail price and the cost price, that is
R = C + M
Where R = retail price
C = cost price
M = mark-up

Mark down is decrease in the selling price. It is the difference in the old retail price and the new retail; that is ,
MD = OP - NP
Where MD = markdown
OP = old retail price
NP = new retail price

SiMpLe InTeReSt.....

The word interest originates from Latin word intereo, which means ‘to be lost’. Interest is then developed from the concept that lending money results in loss to the lender. The word usury is usually associated with lending at an excessive rate.

...Simple Interest Formula...

Simple interest is the interest calculated on the original principal for the entire period it is borrowed or invested. It is the product of the principal multiplied by the rate and time. This maybe stated as the formula

Where I = simple interest
P = principal
r = rate of simple interest
t = time or term in years
...Simple Amount Formula...

The simple amount is the sum of the original principal and the interest earned. the simple amount formula is given

S = P(1 + rt)
S = simple interest

  • exact time - it is the exact number of days between two given dates.
  • approximate time - it assumes a month has 30 days in the calculation of number of days between two given dates.
  • ordinary simple interest - in calculating ordinary simple interest, we use a 360 day a year.
  • exact simple interest - this uses a 365/366 day year for interest computation.

...Present Value...

The present value is the value in today’s money of a sum o money to be received in the future. Hence from the formula
S = P (1 + rt)
We find P to find the present value, that is
P = S (1 + rt)ˉ¹

Sunday, October 26, 2008

this is textbook for biz math (MAT 108)...
this book is especially written to cater to the first and second yesr students in UiTM.
this book contains eleven chapters and is written for easy understanding and appreciation of the subject.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Chapter 1...easy????

Definition of the terms...
  • Fractions

A number that can be written as a quotient of two quantities is called a fraction.

E.g,. 1/2 and 3/4

The number that above the line in a fraction is called the numerator and it tells how many parts are being talked about or considered. The number below the line in a fraction is called the denominator and it indicates the numer o parts in the whole. It tells what kind or size of parts the numerator counts.

  • Decimals

Decimals are another way to express fractions. Decimals are based on a base-ten place-value system in which tenth an multiples of tenths are used to represent a number.

E.g., 1/2 = 0.5 and 3/4 = 0.75

  • Percents

Percents are simply another way of representing fractions and decimals that are based on hundreths. For example, 12/100 or 0.12 can be thougt of as 12%. "Percent" means "per hundred" or "for every 100". So, 12% is a way of representing 12 for every 100. Percents are an easy way to compare data because they have the common base of 100.

Conversion Between Fraction, Decimal and Percent...

  • Converting a fraction to a percent

convert 4/5 to a percent

step 1 : devide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator... e.g,. 4/5 = 0.80

step 2 : multiply by100% (move the decimal point two laces to the right) e.g,. 0.08x100% = 80%

  • Converting a Percent to a Fraction

convert 80% to a fraction

step 1 : remove the percent sign... e.g,.80

step 2 : make a fraction with the percent as the numerator and 100 as the denominator... e.g,. 80/100

step 3 : reduce the fraction if possible... e.g,. 4/5

  • Converting a Decimal to a Percent

convert 0.83 to a percent

step 1 : multiply the decimal by 100%... e.g,. 0.83x100%

step 2 : leave the answer in percent sign... e.g,. 83%

  • Converting a Percent to a Decimal

convert 83% to a decimal

step 1 : divide the percent by 100... e.g,. 83/100 = 0.83